Course curriculum

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    How to use this course

    • How to Use This Course

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    Foundations for success

    • How Dogs Learn

    • Know Your Dog

    • An Introduction to Enrichment

    • An Introduction to Toys

    • Management

    • Treat Tournament

    • Settting Up for Training Success

    • Reward Markers - Foundation Theory

    • Finding your dogs motivation

    • Practice your timing

    • Schedule and Routine

    • Stages of Development

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    Week 1

    • Harness and Lead

    • Human Play

    • The Name Game

    • Introduction to Sit

    • Problem Prevention: Jumping Up

    • Enrichment Project: Cardboard boxes

    • Field Trip: Your Neighbourhood

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    Week 2

    • Week 2 Presentation - Full Class

    • Puppy Play

    • Get It

    • Scatter Recall

    • Nose Target

    • Luring a Down or Lie

    • Enrichment Project : Cups

    • Problem Prevention : Biting and Mouthing

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    Week 3

    • Hide and Seek Recall

    • Drop with exchange

    • Introduction to settle

    • Problem Prevention: Chewing

    • Enrichment : Surfaces and Obstacles

    • Introduction to husbandry and grooming

    • Field trip to the park

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    Week 4

    • Setting up for walk success

    • Problem Prevention: Separation Anxiety

    • Sleep and Night time routine

    • Intro to Stay

    • Loose lead walking

    • Intro to leave

    • Enrichment : Sounds and noises

    • Field trip : hardware store or garden centre

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    Week 5

    • Car and Vehicle Exposure

    • Watch Me

    • Appropriate Human Greetings

    • Fun Food Circuits

    • Puppy Push Ups

    • Stay versus Wait

    • Problem Prevention: Resource Guarding

    • Enrichment challenge : Frozen

    • Field Trip: Lunch Out

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    Week 6

    • Collar Grabs and Lead Clips

    • Dog to dog etiquette

    • Socialisation to Moving Objects

    • Look at That

    • Sniff and Go

    • Wait and Release

    • Problem Prevention : Counter Surfing

    • Teaching Tug Play

    • Spin

    • Enrichment : Muffin Tin

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    Week 7

    • Problem Prevention Door Dashing

    • Enrichment Burrito

    • Find It

    • Socialisation to costumes

    • Rollover

    • Leg Weaves

    • Exposure to water

    • Enrichment Burrito

    • Field Trip Water

    • Paw Target

    • Drop the lead recall